The Magick Muse Cliff Notes
for Your Chakras
Color = Red
Stone = Bloodstone
Sound = oo (loot)
Essential Oil = Cedarwood essential oil
calms and soothes the nerves.
It is very grounding.
Color = Orange
Stone = Carnelian
Sound = oh (mow)
Essential Oil = Ylang ylang essential oil opens and centers us.
It soothes and entices, bringing us
the gift of a peaceful paradise.
Ylang ylang essential oil unifies from the inside out
allowing us to feel self confident and good all over.
the gift of a peaceful paradise.
Ylang ylang essential oil unifies from the inside out
allowing us to feel self confident and good all over.
It has a highly sensuous aroma that
makes us feel all warm inside.
makes us feel all warm inside.
Color = Yellow
Stone = Citrine
Sound = aw (door)
Essential Oil = Ginger essential oil invokes our fire energy,
giving us the oomph to take action and
achieve what we set our mind to.
giving us the oomph to take action and
achieve what we set our mind to.
Color = Green
Stone = Rose Quartz
Sound = ay (hay)
Essential Oil = Rose essential oil is the ultimate oil for the heart. Rose holds the highest frequency known to man.
Rose essential oil frees our emotions and
clears and balances our heart chakra.
It is love. It is healing.
It is beauty.
Rose is an aphrodisiac that can make our hearts sing.
The Throat Chakra
Color = Blue
Stone = Turquoise
Sound = eh (feather)
Essential Oil = Chamomile essential oil increases honest communication and compassion.
It soothes and calms any feelings of anger or frustration.
It soothes and calms any feelings of anger or frustration.
The Third Eye Chakra
Color = Indigo
Stone = amethyst, fluorite
Sound = ih (in)
Essential Oil = Lemongrass essential oil protects, purifies, and uplifts making this oil fantastic for the third eye.
It calms, revitalizes, and inspires.
It calms, revitalizes, and inspires.
The Crown Chakra
Color = Violet or White
Stone = Moonstone
Sound = ee (bee)
Essential Oil = Frankincense essential oil enhances enlightenment and connects the spirit with the divine.
Are you facing a huge transition in your life?
Are you ready to release your obstacles and step forward into the life of your choosing?
Are you kind of lost as to where to even begin?
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,