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Latin Name: Plantago spp.

Plant Family: Plantaginaceae

Character: bitter, cool, mainly drying, slightly sweet, salty

Constituents of Leaves: mucilage, calcium, glycosides, tannins, minerals

Constituents of Seeds: mucilage, oils, protein, starch

Actions of Leaves: antispasmodic, topically healing, tonifies mucous membranes, relaxing expectorant, reduces phlegm

Actions of Seeds: demulcent, laxative

Parts used: leaves and seeds 

Harvest year round.

No known contraindications.

Plantain Knowledge 

The Anglo-Saxons called plantain, "waybread" and considered it an important healing herb.

Pliny suggests if several pieces of flesh are put in a pot with plantain it will join them back together.

Plantain is known as the “Mother of Herbs.”

It grows on most lawns, along with common dandelions.

Plantain is both edible and medicinal.

Note, the herb plantain is not related to the cooking banana, often known as a Spanish or Mexican banana.

Internally, the leaves ease dry coughs and soothe urinary tract infections.

Externally, they heal wounds and sores.

Ribwort plantain leaves reduce phlegm and is useful with allergies.

Common plantain tends to be more suitable for gastric inflammations.

You can make a juice from the fresh leaves and take it for inflamed mucous membranes in cystitis, diarrhea, and lung infections. Take 10ml, 3x a day.

Make laxatives with the seeds for a sluggish or irritable bowel.

The seeds also work well for skin infections, and wound healing.

The tincture from P. lanceolata is good for heavy mucus and when astringency is needed.

A poultice can be used for slow healing wounds and bee stings.

An ointment from P. major can be applied to burns, hemorrhoids, and wounds.

Use the juice as a wash for inflammations, sores, and wounds.

Gargle the diluted juice for sore throats.

If the throat is sore or inflamed, you can also take a syrup made from the juice.

For constipation you can make an infusion by pouring a cup of boiling water over 1 tsp of the seeds (either of them). Let it cool, drink at night. 

When used as an appetite suppressant, it may even lower cholesterol.

You can infuse olive oil with plantain to create a healing salve. It is safe and effective for bee stings, bleeding, bruises, insect bites, hemorrhoids, and itchy skin.

What you need...
Calendula infused oil
Comfrey infused oil
Plantain infused oil
Lavender essential oil

First you will need to make the oils.

Making Your Own Healing Oils
  1. Harvest leaves and let them dry overnight. Remember oil and water do not mix. If the leaves are wet, your oil will become rancid.
  2. Stuff a mason jar full of the leaves.
  3. Add olive oil to cover all of the plant material.
  4. Let it set for 4-6 weeks.
  5. Strain and use!

Making the Salve
  1. Heat beeswax on low heat and add the oils .
  2. Stir until mixed well. Adjust how hard your salve is by adding more oil to make it softer, or adding more beeswax to make it firmer.

This particular healing salve is fantastic for 
bug bites, bruises, cuts, itches, diaper rash, chapped lips, 
and so much more!

Peace, Inspiration, & Love,

The Spirit Dancer