I'm like my own doctor.
Amy Riddle. Medicine Woman.
Whenever something goes wrong with me,
I turn to natural remedies.
So in my gym excursions, I've noticed some spots on my legs...
and I do not approve.
I believe these are called spider veins.
How horrid. How embarrassing.
How do I get rid of these freaky lines?
Well...I did some research and decided I'm going to infuse
some witch hazel with herbs and see what happens.
some witch hazel with herbs and see what happens.
Herbs I'm going to use: comfrey, yarrow,
calendula, and horse chestnut.
calendula, and horse chestnut.
Put all of the herbs into a glass container.
Cover with witch hazel. Shake away and store.
Cover with witch hazel. Shake away and store.
Let it infuse 2 weeks.
Now the experiment really begins!
Strain and use on spider vein spots.
I'm curious to see the results.
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Magick Muse