Creating a Vision Board
Have you ever made a vision board?
I normally write my visions down in a journal.
I may hang up a couple of pictures here and there to remind me of my goals...but I've never actually implemented my dreams on to a board all together.
I may hang up a couple of pictures here and there to remind me of my goals...but I've never actually implemented my dreams on to a board all together.
Let me tell was exhilarating!
It's that whole concept of the law of attraction, manifesting your know "What the Bleep Do We Know?", "The Secret", and Wayne Dyer stuff.
Stuff that I love...and believe in.
I believe our thoughts are powerful.
I believe visualization gives our thoughts wings.
I believe we can manifest our reality.
I believe visualization gives our thoughts wings.
I believe we can manifest our reality.
There are many ways to create your vision board...
you could use poster board, a piece of wood,
a bulletin board, canvas, etc.
you could use poster board, a piece of wood,
a bulletin board, canvas, etc.
Take the time to figure out what you want...
what you really. really want.
Do you want a new house?
Do you need tires for your car?
A vacation? More alone time? A loving partner?
what you really. really want.
Do you want a new house?
Do you need tires for your car?
A vacation? More alone time? A loving partner?
Write down everything you can think of...
this is your wishes, your desires.
Next step...find pictures that represent these goals to you.
You may be able to find them in magazines or just google them and print them out.
You may be able to find them in magazines or just google them and print them out.
I used an old bulletin board.
I wanted to paint it - to give it color and
I feel the more you put into something,
the more you get out of it.
I feel the more you put into something,
the more you get out of it.
First I applied a layer of gesso.
I wanted to use mostly blue.
Blue is the color of water.
Water flows effortlessly and
I wanted to incorporate that energy into my vision board.
I also wanted to use green.
Green is the traditional color for prosperity and abundance.
Plus I wanted it to be funky, so I sprayed water on it...
and covered it with paper towels.
I absolutely love the look this creates.
I got the idea from that Kelly Rae Roberts book
I can't stop reading,
I kept layering shades of blue.
Lastly I added purple, for purple is a magical color.
I was finally satisfied and proceeded with my visions.
As I glued each picture, I thought about my intentions.
The final piece for my vision my own handwriting...
"I manifest my reality."
Next I brushed a coat of gel medium
over the entire board
sealing my vision.
over the entire board
sealing my vision.
So, now...where to put it?
The Vision Board needs to go where you will see it everyday.
I decided to put mine over my dresser.
I sandwiched it with 2 rabbit candle holders I scored
at the Paris of the South Flea Market last Saturday.
at the Paris of the South Flea Market last Saturday.
I used two green 7 day candles and
attached affirmations to them.
attached affirmations to them.
And here is the final manifestation project...
Are you facing a huge transition in your life?
Are you ready to release your obstacles and step forward into the life of your choosing?
Are you kind of lost as to where to even begin?
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Peace, Inspiration, & Love,