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Merry Lammas!

Blog 1 of 30 ~ Effy Wild's Blogalong ~ Thirty Posts in Thirty Days 

Merry Lammas!


Significance: first fruits, first harvest, plenty, prosperity

Colors: golden yellow, sage green, orange, light brown, red

Trees: holly, ash, elder, oak

Herbs/Oils: basil, comfrey, dill, goldenrod, ivy, Queen Anne's Lace, marigold, meadowsweet, mint, mugwort, yarrow

Stones: aventurine, citrine, moss agate

Animals: eagle, lion, owl

Beverages: apple juice, grape juice, wine, brews from grain

Food: berry dishes, grain dishes, apples, potatoes, barley, oats, wheat, corn 

Incense: eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, juniper, musk, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood

I am the golden grain infused by the sun. 
I am the bounty of the earth and 
the glory of what life can become. 
I am the harvest of the seasons and the fruition of dreams. 
I hold the product of my labors, 
and give thanks for the blessing received. 
Blessed be!

Lammas information taken from Wheel of the Year classes at Avalon in Orlando, FL 2001.

Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
 The Magick Muse