Latin Name: Citrus bergamia
Plant Family: Rutaceae
Parts Used: the oil expressed from the peel of the fruit
Actions: analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, sedative, vermifuge, vulnerary
Constituents: bergamotine, beraptene,
d-limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate
Characterisitcs: cool, dry
Element: wood
The fruit of the bergamot tree was originally cultivated in Italy, where it has a history of use in folk medicine. Bergamot oil is documented in old herbal texts. Bergamot is joyous and refreshing. It has a sweet & fruity scent. Bergamot essential oil is highly fragrant, so you will find it in colognes, perfumes, cosmetics, and lotions. It is also used as an ingredient in Earl Grey tea.
What can you do with bergamot?
Bergamot essential oil is good for skincare.
It can help with acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, and psoriasis.
You can use it as an insect repellent and to soothe insect bites.
Internally bergamot essential oil can strengthen the immune system preventing colds and flu.
Fight a mouth infection with bergamot.
Create a mouthwash by mixing a few drops with lemon juice.
Bergamot essential oil encourages appetite.
It reduces fevers.
It balances the nervous system.
You can spark sensual feelings by adding some bergamot essential oil to your favorite massage lotion.
Bergamot oil encourages restful sleep.
Bergamot eases the stress of the day. Inhaling the scent of bergamot essential oil is quite uplifting. It is a stress reducer, helping anxiety and depression.
Emotionally, bergamot relieves emptiness, grief, helplessness and hopelessness.
Bergamot blends well with chamomile, cypress, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon, myrrh, neroli, sandalwood, and tea tree.
Use caution in sunlight with bergamot use, it increases the skin’s sensitivity.
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Spirit Dancer