He of the Fiery Sword
~ The Active Principle ~ Spiritual Will ~ Justice ~ Protection ~
He of the Fiery Sword is pure yang energy.
Actions, will, movement, force, fire!
Written upon the blade of the fiery sword are the words,
"Draw me not without cause, nor return me without honor."
Call upon He of the Fiery Sword
when you have difficult things to do,
when you need to take action that requires compassion.
Reading: This card indicates clear and focused will
with a determination to carry though on decisions.
He of the Fiery Sword enables us to
burst the bonds of an outgrown way of being
and move on to the next level.
This is time to take action based on clear spiritual will.
This card radiates strength and willpower!
He of the Fiery Sword will give us assistance if we call upon him.
It is time for action!
It is time to do.
Do or do not, there is no try.
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Spirit Dancer