Back in July I was hit hard with the crafty creative bug.
I've been creating necklaces and candles for 11 years...
off and on that is.
There have been breaks. Big breaks, little breaks. I would get distracted with other things, work, other hobbies, life.
And then I had a moment.
The bad kind. The kind of moment that throws you on the bed staring at the ceiling wallering in complete patheticness.
Thoughts running through my brain,
"Amy, why aren't you vending? Why aren't you selling your crafts? What happened? This is one of the many reasons you moved to Asheville....and you have vended once in 3 years!"
The urge to vend was strong. The urge to craft was stronger.
I just laid there all sad and mopey.
Chris asked me what was wrong...I let it all out...
I finished with, "All I really need to vend is a tent,
but I don't have a tent."
He said, "Well, then...get one."
Oh. Yes. Okay. Why was I letting something so silly hold me back? Ha. I don't know, but once he said that...I was like
Vending here I come!
I researched the markets around here and felt connected to
I got a tent and started vending. The Paris of the South Flea Market welcomed me with open arms and smiles.
I was having a fantastic time, I met some great people...but doing a show every single Saturday drained my energy.
I decided to take a break from vending and
focus my energies elsewhere.
I had signed up for Kelly Rae Robert's Flying Lessons course.
When the class started in September,
I threw myself in head first.
I threw myself in head first.
I got up early every single morning to
read the class lesson and take notes.
Everyday I learned new things about having a creative biz.
A fantastic bonus of the class is a Facebook group of everyone enrolled in the course.
At first, I was so completely overwhelmed by this...
over 600 super talented, artsy women!
How would I ever connect with so many?
The class ended, but my daily browsing of
our Facebook page hasn't.
our Facebook page hasn't.
And something quite unexpected has happened.
I feel connected with these women. I now know some of them.
I pop on and see their faces and
know their names.
I pop on and see their faces and
know their names.
I know their artwork.
I know their goals, inspirations, and dreams.
It is amazing to be part of such a wonderful group of women who are truly in support of each other.
They have become part of my daily life.

and most importantly...
the inspiration just keeps flowing.
I have now been on a continuous streak of creating
and I'm not going to stop.
And through all of this I have realized my calling.
I know what I want to be when I grow up.
Becoming a Life Coach is the next step.
I have felt a shift in me.
There is no turning back. I am on a roll. I'm going to keep creating candles. I'm going to keep working on my creative biz.
By Spring of 2013 I will be a Life Coach.
I am inspired and I'm not quitting.
Check out my campaign on Indiegogo...
Please help if you can! 27 days left to meet my goal!
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Spirit Dancer