Hey! I got an award!
You like me, you really like me! (I've always wanted to say that.)
Thank you to the beautiful and inspiring Wendy Poling for this nomination...check out her blog.
Very Inspiring Blogger Award Rules
1. Display the award logo on your blog. √
2. Link back to the person who nominated you. √
3. State 7 things about yourself. √ (see below)
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them. √ (see below)
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements. √
7 Things about Me
1. I need tons of alone time.
2. I need to have music playing at all times.
3. I get my best ideas in the shower or while I am driving. I have written brilliant blogs in the shower and when I get out I forget every single word.
4. I did not have a serious relationship for about 9 years...then I met Chris and my life changed. I now love, love. He makes my heart soar and he still has the ability to make me gush and feel all mushy.
5. I'm pretty intuitive and sometimes it freaks people out. I get "How did you know that?" My answer is "I just know."
6. I'm highly allergic to cats. I am also allergic to most dogs, down pillows and blankets, cigarette smoke, and MSG. I would also like to add stupidity.
7. I absolutely love to read. Charles de Lint is my favorite author.
And my nominations for the
Very Inspiring Blogger Award are:
Andrea Saccone Snyder
Janice Smithhttp://taprootstudio.blogspot.com/
Kim Comer Jackson
Renee Bekking
Sigga Dis
Suzanne McRae
http://vickiemartin.net/blog-4/Wendy Winston
Are you facing a huge transition in your life?
Are you ready to release your obstacles and step forward into the life of your choosing?
Are you kind of lost as to where to even begin?
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,