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This Week in The Spirit Dancer

This Week in
The Spirit Dancer

Reading: "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness

Listening to: A playlist of Joan Jett, Sheryl Crow, PJ Harvey, and other strong females. 

Watching: "She-Ra" I remember catching some She-Ra when I was a kid...but watching it now...I am addicted! She is a fabulous role model for girls. I love her...her and her horse, Spirit. I also just started the fifth season of "Smallville". I heart Lois. 

Thinking about: Artsy things and my Life Coach campaign. I'm really excited Indiegogo extended the deadline a week. $437 left to go. It can happen! I will be a successful Life Coach this year. 

Learning: Learning about water color paints...I think I like acrylic better. 

Doing: Handwashing underwear...have I mentioned how happy I will be when Chris and I move to a bigger place and I get my washer/dryer out of storage?

Pet Peeves: The botchery of the English language.

Happy Thoughts: Sleep, cuddling, movie time, coffee, personal connections. 

Best Quote: "I am the villain of the story." ~Lex Luthor 

Looking forward to: I'm really looking forward to my Life Coach training in February. They gave me homework! 
(I'm such a nerd.)

Peace, Inspiration, & Love, 
 The Spirit Dancer