Spring is in the air!![]() |
Image Source-http://www.incitingariot.com/2012/03/ostara-to-easter-swag-contest.html |
Yesterday was the first day of Spring, Ostara.
It's my 2nd favorite Holiday...the first being Halloween, of course.
I love Spring.
I love to watch things come back to life.
The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and the garden grows.
It's the waxing time of the year...
time to set things in motion.
It is time to blossom.
Every Ostara I write an intention letter to myself.
I fill it will my hopes, dreams, and goals for the year.
I open last year's letter, see where I stand, reflect, and
then I write my new letter for the year.
I have found that this is the perfect time for me to
implement any big changes in my life.
It's a great time to plant the seeds you wish to grow.
I began 2013 with 2 major goals for the year,
a year of transformation for me.
The first big goal is becoming a life coach,
the other big deal is moving to a bigger home with Chris.
I'm so freakin thrilled to report both of these are happening.
I completed my life coach training and I am officially a life coach.
Chris and I found a new home and
began the fun of painting last night.
With the "big" part of these goals done...
it is time to plant the seeds of growth.
I'm so looking forward to nesting and getting
all settled in the new place.
I'll have my own craft room/office.
This is major.
With my own space, I'll be able to really work on
getting "The Magick Muse" to soar.
What do you wish to plant this year?
What growth should you seek in your life?
Where will you blossom?
Ostara is the time.
Today's Growth blog is part of the Flying Lessons blog circle.
Hop to the next blog to read more reflections on planting seeds.
Who knows where you'll end up?
Keep in mind...we are all over the world...due to different time zones the next link may not be up yet.
Give it some time and it will be.
Next stop on the circle is one of my fav fly sistas, Michelle Hill.
Check out her post here.
Enjoy your reading circle!
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Magick Muse