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Goddess Oracle |
with my eyes blinded by tears
I wander
unable to rest
unable to find ease
I am dry
my bones
are dust in the desert sun
my heart
ripped out
lies broken on the ground
each step I take in living
ruptures my wounds
how can I bear the unbearable
how can I survive the insurmountable
will my sorrow ever end?
will my loss ever be filled?
will my longing ever cease?
I am such a believer that life happens as it should.
And here is another case.
I set up my Pagan Blog Project posts a few weeks ago.
I had planned to do
"C is for Coatlicue".
Coatlicue is the Goddess of Grief.
What timing.
After this post was already planned -
I lost my dad.
It was sudden.
He was 62, his aquarian birthday is about to hit
on February 4.
One cannot prepare for this.
One cannot know all of the layers of grief that go along
with losing your dad.
I've been going through the 5 stages,
honoring each emotion.
My face has been so dry
due to the amount of tears I have shed.
I don't know if I've ever cried this much.
I don't know if I've ever felt such
heaviness on my heart.
Coatlicue is here to tell you there is no way around grief.
There is no place you hide from grief.
The way to wholeness lies in going through your grief.
It is imperative for your healing process
that you grieve.
It is time to wail and keen and moan.
It is time to ask for support from friends and family.
Life is about loss and loss is part of life.
In time you will feel stronger and
more alive.
Remember that your process takes as long
as it needs to take and that everyone's time of grief is different.
Feel your grief and healing will come.
I'm super excited to be a part of
The Pagan Blog Project.
Every Friday experience the alphabet of spirituality
and pagan goodness.
Check out the list of excellent blogs for week 5 - the letter C.
The Pagan Blog Project Week 5 - C
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
The Magick Muse
Amy Riddle is an empowerment coach, crafter of sorts, writer,
herbalist, reverend, and all out muse.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Alternative Medicine with an emphasis on herbs.
herbalist, reverend, and all out muse.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Alternative Medicine with an emphasis on herbs.
She is a certified professional life coach with the Life Coach Institute of Orange County.
Amy craves to inspire others to be healthy and whole in body, mind, and spirit.
She has an affinity for striped socks, stinging nettle, and all things faery.