By Amy Sophia Marashinsky
Illustrated by Hrana Janto
It is all one
being ill
being well
It is all energy
energy in constant motion
energy in constant flux
restless energy that is never still
ruthless energy that acts like a steam roller
boundless energy that brings possibilities
sparkling energy that tickles and sings
stored energy that waits for release
The healing waters at my shrine
brought clarity
mended holes
opened vision
allowed flow
With energy flowing
the dance of life resumes
illness and wellness
all one
all energy
all flow
Sulis has come to tell you that it is time to
embrace the dance of illness/wellness.
Make time for yourself and nourish the energy you have.
It is time to let go of everything and make you a priority.
It is time to ask for what you need and let it in.
Give yourself permission to seek support
and assistance for your healing process.
Illness is our body's call for time off,
time out, or just plain time.
Illness is a way for us to come face-to-face with
what is no longer working for us and change it.
Have you been ignoring your own
deep requests for more time, more space, more attention?
You need to put everything aside that doesn't
nourish and support your healing.
The way to wholeness for you now lies in recognizing
your own needs and putting them first,
nourishing your energy,
and allowing new ways of being with yourself
that support health and vitality.
“Sulis” by Thalia Took
Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
~Amy The Spirit Dancer