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D is for Dream - Pagan Blog Project

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If you can dream it,
you can be it.

I believe in Wayne Dyer and vision boards.

When I say I'm going to do something,

chances are I'm gonna fuckin' do it.

I am a girl that walks my talk.

If I want to do something, I will do it.

Sometimes it may take me awhile.

It may take me 1 week, it may take me 7 years -

but I eventually figure it out and
make it happen.

It took me 4 years to move to Asheville, NC -

but I did it.
I planned, plotted, and moved 
by myself to start a whole new life in the mountains.

Last year I figured out what I wanted to be when I grow up - 

a life coach.

I got certified.

Now I'm working hard on having my dream

of life coaching become a reality.

I'm working on creating The Magick Muse business

and watching it flourish.

No more part time, a little time here and there -

it will be my full time gig.

I see it.

I am currently working on my 

business plan and website.

It is gonna happen.

It's been in the works for years, really.

Every single day I'm closer to living 

my business dream.

I am here to help people -

and that's what I'm gonna do.


Do you have a dream you want to bring into reality?

See it.

Be it.

Practice visualization.

Create a vision board.

(See my blog post on vision boards here.)

Practice affirmations.

Write out your vision as if it has already happened.

Manifest your reality!


You hold the power to the life you want.


I'm super excited to be a part of 
The Pagan Blog Project

Every Friday experience the alphabet of spirituality 
and pagan goodness.

Check out the list of excellent blogs for week 7 of the letter D.
The Pagan Blog Project Week 7 - D

Peace, Inspiration, & Love,
 The Magick Muse
Amy Riddle is an empowerment coach, crafter of sorts, writer,
herbalist, reverend, and all out muse.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Alternative Medicine with an emphasis on herbs. 
She is a certified professional life coach with the Life Coach Institute of Orange County. 
Amy craves to inspire others to be healthy and whole in body, mind, and spirit. 
She has an affinity for striped socks, stinging nettle, and all things faery.